Sunday, June 15, 2008

Wu gets a dose

This is a quick story. One day Conyang Wu (just call him Wu, although its fun to try and say CONG-YANG) was picking up an RSS tool. An RSS is a tool with a minitron in it – which is a device that is highly radioactive when turned on. It stays “hot” for a long time after use, so it still emits neutrons even up to 24 hours after it is turned off. It is safe so long as you stay at least a few feet away when its cooling down (Radiation safety is all about time, distance, and shielding!). But Wu, who was being absent minded as usual, picked up the RSS with his right hand directly on the minitron… I yelled at him to put it down, but he told me the tool was cool and it wasn’t a problem… After a quick argument, he put it down and we agreed to get the Geiger counter to check. Sure enough, that minitron was still plenty hot and the Geiger needle shot to the top of the scale. Wu thought for a second, looked at his right hand, then said: “I guess I’ll just use my other hand to pee for the next few days…” Problem solved.


woody said...

chris you're back! good to see it. now tell us about your sex life on an oil rig. i know your mom wants to know.

Joan Bence said...


Remember to change my name when you write about an eccentric grandmother. The difference between eccentric and crazy is the size of the bank account of the person so designated.

Chris Bence said...

Well Woody, I'm confused... You used 'sex life' and 'oil rig' in the same sentence which doesn't make an sense at all.

Joan Bence said...

Of course the juxtaposition of sex life and oil rig doesn't make sense. It's an oxymoron.

steve-o said...

Let's start with some basic facts.

How many people are on the Oil Rig? How many are men? How many women?